Cause and Effect
A. Definision
A causal sentence (cause and effect) is a sentence that contains at least one cause and one effect. Cause refers to an action , event, or condition that causes a particular result or reaction. It is what triggers or causes a change or other event. Effect refers to the result or reaction that occurs as a result of a particular action, event, or condition. This is what comes to be as the result of a cause.
Kalimat cause and effect (sebab akibat) merupakan sebuah kalimat yang di dalamnya mengandung setidaknya satu sebab dan satu akibat. "Cause" (sebab) merujuk pada tindakan, peristiwa, atau kondisi yang mengakibatkan suatu hasil atau reaksi tertentu. Ini adalah apa yang menjadi pemicu atau penyebab suatu perubahan atau peristiwa lainnya. "Effect" (akibat) mengacu pada hasil atau reaksi yang terjadi sebagai hasil dari suatu tindakan, peristiwa, atau kondisi tertentu. Ini adalah apa yang muncul sebagai hasil dari suatu sebab.
Conjunction words in the context of "cause and effect" (causes and effects) are used to connect an event (causes) with the effects or reactions that arise as a result (effect). Here are some common conjunctions used in English to show cause-and-effect relationships.
Kata-kata penghubung dalam konteks "cause and effect" (sebab dan akibat) digunakan untuk menghubungkan antara suatu peristiwa (sebab) dengan hasil atau reaksi yang timbul akibatnya (akibat). Berikut adalah beberapa kata penghubung umum yang digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris untuk mengindikasikan hubungan sebab-akibat.
- Because of: Mengindikasikan sebab atau alasan di balik suatu peristiwa atau keadaan. Contoh: The hero was unable to participate in team fights because of a slow internet connection.
- Due to: Digunakan untuk menyatakan alasan atau penyebab dari suatu situasi atau peristiwa. Contoh: The hero's defeat was due to a lack of synergy among the team members.
- As a result of : Mengacu pada akibat atau hasil yang muncul dari suatu tindakan atau kejadian. Contoh: As a result of a successful gank, the hero was able to eliminate the enemy's damage dealer.
- Therefore: Digunakan untuk menyiratkan bahwa suatu akibat atau hasil adalah hasil langsung dari suatu tindakan atau sebab tertentu. Contoh: The hero chose to build defensive items therefore, they could withstand enemy attacks in team fights.
- Thus: Sama seperti "therefore," "thus" juga menunjukkan hubungan langsung antara sebab dan akibat. Contoh: The hero focused on split pushing thus, they managed to take down enemy turrets and create map pressure.
- Consequently: Merujuk pada hasil yang timbul sebagai akibat langsung dari suatu tindakan atau peristiwa. Contoh: The hero successfully stole the enemy's buff consequently, their damage output increased significantly.
- Since: Digunakan untuk menunjukkan alasan atau sebab di balik suatu peristiwa atau situasi. Contoh: Since the hero excels at long range attacks, they were able to poke the enemies from a safe distance.
- Owing to: Sama seperti "due to," digunakan untuk menyatakan alasan di balik suatu kejadian atau situasi. Contoh: Owing to the hero's exceptional map awareness, they were able to anticipate enemy rotations and prevent ganks.
Let's study the social function, language feature and generic structure of cause and effect!
B. Social Function of Cause and Effect
Cause and effect sentences serve the purpose of explaining the relationships between events, actions, or conditions and their corresponding outcomes or consequences. They help readers understand the causal connections between different elements and provide insights into why certain things happen. Cause and effect sentences are commonly used in various contexts, such as academic writing, scientific explanations, historical narratives, problem-solving, and everyday communication. They help convey a deeper understanding of how the world works and how various factors influence each other.
Kalimat sebab dan akibat berfungsi untuk menjelaskan hubungan antara peristiwa, tindakan, atau kondisi dan hasil atau konsekuensi yang sesuai. Mereka membantu pembaca memahami hubungan kausal antara berbagai elemen dan memberikan wawasan tentang mengapa hal-hal tertentu terjadi. Kalimat sebab dan akibat biasanya digunakan dalam berbagai konteks, seperti penulisan akademis, penjelasan ilmiah, narasi sejarah, pemecahan masalah, dan komunikasi sehari-hari. Mereka membantu menyampaikan pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang bagaimana dunia bekerja dan bagaimana berbagai faktor saling mempengaruhi.
C. Language Features of Cause and Effect
Language features play a crucial role in effectively conveying cause and effect relationships in sentences. Here are some common language features found in cause and effect sentences:- Causal Connectors: These are words or phrases that explicitly indicate the relationship between the cause and the effect. They help establish a clear link between the two parts of the sentence. Examples of causal connectors include:
- Transitional Words and Phrases: These words and phrases help transition between the cause and the effect, ensuring the sentence flows smoothly and is easy to understand.
- Emphasis: Emphasizing certain words or phrases can highlight the cause and its effect, making them stand out in the sentence.
- Conciseness: Cause and effect sentences should be concise and to the point, conveying the relationship clearly without unnecessary details.
- Objective Tone: Maintaining a neutral and objective tone helps convey information without personal bias, focusing on the cause-effect relationship itself.
- Use of Data and Evidence: Providing specific data, statistics, examples, or evidence can add credibility and support to the cause and effect relationship being presented.
D. Sentence Structure or Sentence Formula Cause and Effect
1. Cause and effect yang diikuti oleh noun
Pada jenis ini , sebuah signal words akan diikuti oleh noun atau noun phrase/sebuah frasa yang terdiri dari noun (kata benda) dan semua pengubahnya(biasanya determiners dan modifiers). Struktur umum kalimat yang umum digunakan adalah:Signal Words + Cause + EffectsContoh :- Because of the hero's exceptional crowd control, the enemies' movements were restricted.- Due to the lack of teamwork, the team's performance suffered.Effect + Signal Words + CauseContoh:- The enemies' retreat was a result of the hero's powerful area of effect spells.- The victory in the team fight was achieved due to the hero's well timed initiation.
2. Cause and effect yang diikuti oleh subject + verb
Selanjutnya, kalimat cause and effect bisa dibentuk menggunakan rumus signal words yang diikuti oleh subject dan verb. Sama seprti aturan pada jenis pertama, kamu harus meletakkan klausa yang menunjukkan cause setelah signal words. Pola kalimatnya pun sama:
Signal Words + Cause + Effects
Contoh:- Because the team lacked proper communication, the hero's efforts to initiate team fights often went in vain.- Since the hero excelled at ambushing enemies from bushes, they secured multiple surprise eliminations.Effect + Signal Words + CauseContoh:- The enemies were forced to retreat during the team fight, since the hero's crowd control abilities disrupted their formation.-The hero's split pushing efforts were successful, because the team created distractions and drew the enemies' attention.
E. Generic Structure of Cause and Effect Text
The generic structure of a cause and effect text typically follows a pattern that outlines the cause and its corresponding effect:
- Introduction: Introduces the topic and provides a context for the cause and effect relationship. It may include background information or general statements about the topic.
- Cause: Presents the cause or reason behind a particular event or phenomenon. This section explains what leads to the effect.
- Effect: Explains the outcome, consequence, or result of the cause presented earlier. This section shows how the cause influences the situation.
- Conclusion: Summarizes the cause and effect relationship, often emphasizing the importance or significance of understanding this relationship.
The following is an example of a simplified cause and effect text that discusses the effect of team coordination in the mobile legends game:
1. Pengantar (Introduction)Pada bagian ini, teks memperkenalkan topik yang akan dibahas dan memberikan konteks umum tentang subjek yang akan dijelaskan.Contoh:"Mobile Legends, a popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game, has gained a massive player base worldwide. One crucial aspect that greatly influences the outcome of matches is effective team coordination."
2. Sebab (Cause)Pada bagian ini, teks menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan atau mempengaruhi peristiwa atau situasi tertentu.Contoh:"Cause: Effective Communication and Strategy - When team members communicate and strategize effectively, they can plan and execute coordinated attacks, control objectives, and respond to enemy movements strategically."
3. Akibat (Effect)Bagian ini menjelaskan hasil atau dampak yang terjadi sebagai akibat dari sebab yang telah dijelaskan sebelumnya.Contoh:"Effect: Higher Win Rates and Successful Ganks - Teams that communicate well are more likely to secure kills, dominate team fights, and successfully surprise enemies with ganks, leading to higher win rates and greater control over the game."
4. Kesimpulan (Conclusion)Bagian akhir merangkum poin-poin penting dari hubungan sebab dan akibat yang telah diuraikan dalam teks. Kadang-kadang juga menekankan implikasi atau pentingnya pemahaman tentang hubungan ini.Contoh:"In conclusion, effective team coordination in Mobile Legends is a determining factor in achieving victory. Teams that communicate, strategize, and work together cohesively experience higher success rates, dominate lanes and objectives, and create a more enjoyable gaming experience for all players involved. On the other hand, teams that lack coordination face difficulties in securing objectives, sustaining in battles, and making impactful decisions, which can lead to unfavorable outcomes in the game."
My Conclusion : The conclusion from the writing on "Cause and Effect" above is that cause and effect explain how one event (cause) influences other results or reactions (effect). The use of conjunctions and other language features helps to clearly describe cause-and-effect relationships. Its social function is to provide an understanding of why events occur and their impact. Language features include conjunctions, clear explanations, and data usage. The generic structure includes an introduction, presentation of causes, presentation of effects, and conclusions. An example of team coordination in the Mobile Legends game illustrates a causal relationship in a real context.
Kesimpulan singkat dari tulisan mengenai "Cause and Effect" di atas adalah bahwa sebab dan akibat menjelaskan bagaimana satu peristiwa (sebab) mempengaruhi hasil atau reaksi (akibat) lainnya. Penggunaan kata penghubung dan fitur bahasa lainnya membantu menggambarkan hubungan sebab-akibat dengan jelas. Fungsi sosialnya adalah memberikan pemahaman tentang mengapa peristiwa terjadi dan dampaknya. Fitur bahasa meliputi kata penghubung, penjelasan yang jelas, dan penggunaan data. Struktur generiknya meliputi pengantar, penyajian sebab, penyajian akibat, dan kesimpulan. Contoh mengenai tim koordinasi dalam permainan Mobile Legends mengilustrasikan hubungan sebab akibat dalam konteks nyata.
Semoga tulisannya bermanfaat ya guyss... Enjoyyy!🦍💨
Woww, nantii ajarin sayaa ya bu guru 🙏🏻